Divide whole numbers (notation 1)

156794 ÷ 386
Place the divisor before the division bracket and place the dividend under it. The digits of the quotient must be written over the dividend.
From the left of the dividend (156794), take as many digits as necessary to form a number (1567) that will contain the divisor (386) at least once, but less than ten times.
Determine how many times the divisor 386 is contained into the partial dividend 1567, and obtain the first digit of the quotient.
The answer is 4 (4 × 386 = 1544) but not 5 because 5 × 386 = 1930.
Place the answer (4) above the division bracket and directly above the last digit of the partial dividend (1567).
Multiply the 4 by 386 and place the result (1544) below the partial dividend 1567.
Draw a line under the 1544 and subtract it from 1567 (1567 - 1544 = 23). The difference can never be greater than the divisor, if so, you selected an incorrect value, and must select a bigger one.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend (9) and place it to the right of the difference (23), making it 239.
Determine how many times the divisor 386 is contained into 239 and place the answer to the right of the existing digits of the quotient.
The answer is 0 (0 × 386 = 0) but not 1 because 1 × 386 = 386.
Multiply the 0 by 386 and place the result (0) below the 239.
Draw a line under the 0 and subtract it from 239 (239 - 0 = 239). The difference can never be greater than the divisor, if so, you selected an incorrect value, and must select a bigger one.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend (4) and place it to the right of the difference (239), making it 2394.
Determine how many times the divisor 386 is contained into 2394 and place the answer to the right of the existing digits of the quotient.
The answer is 6 (6 × 386 = 2316) but not 7 because 7 × 386 = 2702.
Multiply the 6 by 386 and place the result (2316) below the 2394.
Draw a line under the 2316 and subtract it from 2394 (2394 - 2316 = 78). The difference can never be greater than the divisor, if so, you selected an incorrect value, and must select a bigger one.
There are no digits in the dividend to bring down so 406 is the quotient and 78 is the remainder.
Final answer
       406 R 78