Emojis' test

August 25, 2021

Emojis are widely used in instant messaging and social media to fill in emotional cues otherwise missing from typed conversation. At Nibcode Solutions, where we are always looking for new challenges, we want you to explore and assess your perceptual skills and your level of impulsivity control using lots of emojis.

There are several tests to assess perceptual-imaginative skills, and many of them rely on the principles of similarities and differences, such as the Identical forms, Differences of letters, Squares of letters and Perception of differences tests. These discrimination tests respond to questions related to similarity, equality or difference, and present positive correlations with general intelligence.

The test that we propose is a Difference Perception Test, using simplified emoji faces. It consists of 20 graphic elements, each one has three faces with mouths, eyes and eyebrows represented by elementary lines. Two of the faces are the same, and the exercise consists of determining which one is different by clicking on it.

You will do it great for sure, and we would love to know if you liked this new test and how well it went. Leave us your comments.


Look at the following three emojis. The face on the right is different from the previous two, since the eyebrows are not straight as in the first two.

In the next row, you can see that the face in the center is different from the other two, as the curvature of the mouth is more pronounced.

When you click on the face that you consider different from the other two, a blue border will be displayed, so that you know which face you selected. If you change your mind, simply click on another face, and the latter one will be the one selected, showing the blue border.

You have 1 minute to complete the test. At the bottom right of the page, a countdown timer with a red background will be shown, so you know how much time you still have left, although it is best to try to complete all the rows without looking at the timer, so as not to waste time.

When time runs out or you click on the Finish button located at the bottom of the test, all the rows will be assessed, using an image in the upper right part of the faces to indicate if the answer was right or wrong.

The final score and an interpretation of your perceptual skills and your level of impulsivity control, based on the results you obtained, will also be displayed.

Example of a row where you got it right:

Example of a row where you failed, which will also display the correct answer:

You can try the test again several times if you wish, although the results of the first time will more accurately reflect the capabilities measured by the test. If you decide to retry the test, keep in mind that the test may vary.

When you are ready, click on the Start test button, and the time will start running.

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